20 Questions with Sarah Bryson

1. Where did your fascination with the Tudors come from?

I remember when I was younger being told about an English Queen who was beheaded and immediately I wanted to know why, what had happened, what had led to her execution? I picked up Eric Ive’s book “The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn” and from there I was hooked. I found Anne Boleyn’s life fascinating and I had to learn more. The Tudor period is an amazing time in English history; it reminds me a little of a TV drama series except that it actually happened!

2. What sparked your interest in Mary Boleyn?

I first learnt about Mary through reading about her sister Anne. When I read that Mary Boleyn went behind her sister’s back (when Anne was Queen of England no less!) and married a man of a lower class than herself I knew this woman had guts! She followed her heart and married for love, going against the norms of the time and thinking and acting for herself, what can I say, I was hooked and had to know more!

3. Tell us about your book, Mary Boleyn: In a Nutshell.

Mary Boleyn: In a Nutshell is a short book to introduce people to the life of Mary Boleyn. There are several books about Mary Boleyn on the shelves already but I have found that since not a great deal is known about Mary’s life these books are filled with padding. I wanted to write a little book that just gave the facts, the details that are known about Mary’s life and one that is not to complicated or overwhelming.

4. Why is it important to study history?

I think that studying history helps us in today’s times to understand where we have come from, what the past was like, how we have changed and developed over the centuries; it gives us a better understanding of our foundations. I also think studying history helps to give us a better understanding of mankind and why people do the things that they do and again hopefully we can learn from the mistakes of the past.

5. What three new skills would you like to learn?

I’d love to learn another language. I knew quite a lot of the basic words in many languages but I would love to become fluent in a second language. I would also love to learn how to sew. I’m fascinated with Tudor period clothing and would love to have the ability and skill to make them for myself! I’d also love to become a better baker! I can make a basic cakes but would love to learn how to make something really fancy and delicious!

6. What are your favourite holiday destinations?

England and Canada. I have been to both places and fell in love. Canada has such a rich, natural beauty to it. It has majestic mountain’s covered in snow, deep blue lakes and scenery that looks as though it’s from a painting. There is something so peaceful and beautiful about Canada.  Not to mention the Canadian people are just the sweetest, kindest people! I also love England. It’s jam packed full of Tudor history from the Tower of London to Hampton Court and everything in between. It’s an amazing place, with a rich, captivating history. I can’t wait to go back again!

7. What is something surprising that you learnt about the Tudors during your research?

One thing that was quite surprising that I am learning through my research on Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk is just how much the man was able to get away with! He committed treason by marrying Henry VIII’s sister without permission, flirted with an Archduchess and even spoke poorly of Anne Boleyn and barely faced more than a few fines and a short banishment! He was Henry VIII’s best friend and quite an amazing man!

8. Do you use social media?

I sure do! (I love the internet!) You can find me on Twitter  @queentohistory or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/queentohistory

9. Name five people you follow on Twitter.






All amazing authors, researchers and historians!

10. What women in history do you most admire?

Mary and Anne Boleyn. I find both women absolutely fascinating and inspiring. While the sisters were quite different I also think that they shared many similar qualities that I admire. Both were quite determined, motivated and followed their heart. While they cared about their friends and family they both had the courage to stand up and do what they felt was best for them. I find these qualities really admirable and I wish that I could be as strong and courageous as the Boleyn sisters.

11. What does your writing space look like?

My desk is an absolute mess! When I write I don’t look as though I am very organized but ask me where a certain book is or a particular article and I’ll find it within a few seconds! Somehow all the chaos of my desk and writing area helps me to work. I have books piled up next to my desk, books opened stacked on top of each other, word documents all over the computer! It’s a complete mess but somehow it works for me!

12. What motivates you?

My interests motivate me. When I am interested in something I dive in head first, completely focused and sometimes losing myself in a topic of research or whatever I am doing. I love to learn and being able to read and research motivates me as I am learning all the time.

13. What is something most people don’t know about you?

I’m actually a really shy, self-conscious person. I worry quite a lot, I’m a natural worrier. I worry about everything from my writing to what is going to happen tomorrow. It’s something that I’m trying to work on, not to stress so much and to worry less!

14. What are a few of the books on your TBR list?

Anne Boleyn Queen of Controversy by Lacy Baldwin Smith

Essex Boys by Karen Bowman

The Six Wives of Henry VIII by David Loades

Tudor: The Family Story by Leanda De Lisle

Intimate Letters of England’s Queen’s by Margaret Sanders

Jane Seymour by David Loades

Katherine of Aragon by Patrick Williams

(And about a dozen more!)

15. Describe your perfect weekend.

Sleep! A weekend where I can catch up on sleep is always wanted! I work full time with disabled children as well as having a family and reading/writing/researching and there’s not a lot of time for sleep in there. I’m a simple girl at heart; I also love spending time with my friends and family, a good meal, a good movie and a glass (or three) of wine!

16. What characteristic do you admire most in others?

I most admire honesty and the ability to be true to yourself and what you believe in.

17. Are you currently working on any new books?

I’m currently working on a book about Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. I have always been fascinated with Brandon and find his life enthralling! He led an amazing life, rising from relative obscurity to become best friends with Henry VIII and then granted the Dukedom of Suffolk and in the process becoming one of the most powerful men of his age. He was extremely smart and used his knowledge of Henry VIII and his wit to maneuver the difficult world of Henry VIII’s court. Not to mention that he got away with quite a few things that other people of the time would have been severely punished for!

18. Share something great about your hometown.

Adelaide is the perfect mixture of busy city life and relaxation. Drive 20 minutes in one direction and you’re in the city, 20 minutes to the west and you’re at the beach, twenty minutes to the north and you’re in wine growing country. It’s a great place to live with a wonderful blend of fun, entertainment and family life.

19. What do you like to do outside of writing?

I love to read, anything to do with the reign of Henry VIII I’m fascinated with. I love to spend time with my friends and family or go for a day out at the beach or up into the hills.

20. If you could swap places with a person from the past for one day, who would it be?

If I say Mary Boleyn is that cheating?! I would love to live a day in her life to see what it was like. I would love to explore the court under the rule of Henry VIII, to meet Anne Boleyn and all the other Tudor people that I have read about. I would love to meet Mary Boleyn’s children, her husband and to see just what happened behind closed doors between Mary and Henry VIII!



  1. This book sounds great! I think many times Mary gets overshadowed by her sister. I can’t wait to read this book!

  2. Congratulations Sarah, this is a great achievement for you. You have done what many (including myself) want to do but never make it come to fruition. So pleased for you x

  3. Good Afternoon,
    I follow ( on the Tudor trail ) and ( Anne Boleyn files ) . I have an ever growing library of historical books fiction and non fiction .
    I felt compelled to write after reading of your degree in early childhood . When I completed my A.S in Early Childhood I was informed that was as far as I could go . My Husband works with special need children in High School .
    Hooray for you !

    Star Isales