During my visit to Thornbury Castle last year I came across a photo of a portrait of Anne Boleyn that I hadn’t see before. It was in a photo album that was on display in the castle’s library and had no information attached to it. I, of course, immediately took a photo of the photo as I was intrigued by the colour of Anne’s dress and the beautiful brooch she was wearing. On closer inspection, it’s difficult to say whether it’s a brooch or part of her pearl necklace.
Photo of a portrait of Anne Boleyn
Although it’s very similar to the portrait of Anne housed in the National Portrait Gallery, it is not identical. I think it would be interesting to find out where the original portrait is and who is the artist behind it.
I think it’s so nice to ‘see’ Anne wearing something other than black!
Wow, I have never seen this before either! You are right, it does greatly resemble the National Portrait Gallery and Hever Castle portraits of Anne. I am intrigued to find out more about it!
I’m determined to find out more about the portrait Elizabeth and will be sure to let you know when I do.
This is the great thing about Anne Boleyn, there’s always something exciting to discuss!
I completely agree! She is my favorite Tudor person
Please let me know what you find out!
What a lovely portrait and Anne looks gorgeous. Its resemblance to the NPG tradition is striking and she looks like she is wearing scarlet which complements her complexion and colouring. Interestingly, her hair isn’t dark-auburn as it appears in some of the other portraits. Its definitely dark brown. What an alluring woman. Thank you Natalie!