One of On the Tudor Trail’s readers, Sarah, wrote in to share with me a truly amazing experience she had during a visit to the Tower of London last year. Whether you believe in the paranormal or not, Sarah’s experience had a profound impact on her and was undeniably real in her eyes. I think it’s a beautiful story and shows just how strong our connection can be with a person from the past. Thank you for sharing Sarah!
On a warm autumn’s day in October 2009 I went to the Tower of London. After much exploring, marvelling (and spending far too much at the gift shop!) I went to the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula which had been opened up late in the afternoon. Upon entering the Chapel I found myself kneeling at the front alter right in front of Anne Boleyn’s grave. I spent almost an hour there praying to Anne, speaking to her about my life, my family and my goals for the future. After leaving the chapel at dusk I walked between the White Tower and Beauchamp Tower when I suddenly felt a sense of peace wash over me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something and looked up.
There in the top window of the Beauchamp Tower was the silhouette of a woman dressed in a lavish Tudor gown with a French hood. I instantly knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was Anne Boleyn. To this day there is no doubt in my mind that it was her. I stared up in awe for a few seconds then when I blinked she was gone.
Instead of being shocked or alarmed I continued to feel a great sense of peace and I believe that Anne had shown herself to me, just for a few seconds, to let me know that she had heard my prayers; as a sign to stay true to what I had prayed and promised. It was an experience I will treasure close to my heart for the rest of my life and one that means a great deal to me.
If you have a story you’d like to share please contact us.
Lovely story, Sarah, thank you very much for sharing with us.
That was a beautiful story. I had a similar experience at the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam. While it was noisy outside, everyone became quiet as we entered. I sensed fear, anger, resentment, but most of all hope! Looking out the window at the tree Anne used to gaze at, I felt her presence. Her ghosts didn’t appear to me, but she was truly there. Whispering to everyone that hope was still alive.
Thank you so much for your comments! Your story is beautiful Theresa – I think Anne gives a great sense of hope to a lot of people
I loved this story. It touched my heart. I truly feel your story was real. You spilled your heart in a prayer to her and she heard it and wanted to acknowledge it in her own way. Someday I hope to get to England and visit as many Tudor places as I can. And maybe meet someone from the past.
Has anyone else noticed the white haze to the left of the photo of the Beauchamp Tower? This would fit in nicely with your story Sarah. Could be a fingerprint on the lens…..but I like to wonder!
Hi Debbie, I took this photo in 2009 and had never noticed this before. Hmm, interesting!
This could just be me wanting to make something out of that white haze, but if you look closely, you can see the image of a womans face? She’s looking to the left of the picture? (her right) You can make out her eyes, nose, and mouth
Yes I can see the out line of a face also, it seems as though she has her hair scraped back fom her face and you can see the hairline of where the dark hair goes from the fore head, weird….
On closer inspection I can see it too. You can also see her neck, and what looks like a French hood.
Yes you can, the more you look the more detail you can see, its great… Is that not meant to be the real site of the scaffold in that area, where she was executed.
Ladies, where do you see the outline. Is it in the haze?
No Natalie, it is the haze, the whole thing, it is a big out line. From top slit to arch window for back of head, first slit next to arch about ear, across to edge of photo to nose, follow up for forehead, begins to go darker shade and that will give you hairline/french hood. I you can pick up that shape you can start to get the details. Hope that helps and makes sense.
The more closely you look at it, the clearer the features become! Glad we found this photo
I instantly saw the haze and the outline of her face and the french hood! That is truly spectacular! I very much enjoyed reading about your experience Sarah. Thank you for sharing! I haven’t yet had the joy of going abroad to physically visit the places that I have studied and loved for so many years, but I always feel a sense of Anne B. with me. I have been told by 3 different past life specialists at 3 totally different times that I was once one of the beheaded wives of Henry 8 and upon closer inspection of my life and personality, we all came to the conclusion that it was Anne. My husband is so convinced that he got me a mug for Xmas last year that says, In a past life, I was Anne Boleyn! Ha! I also believe however, that with reincarnation a soul can be composed of many different people, so I could be one of many who once belonged with Anne Boleyn. Thanks again for your story Sarah! A wonderful and spiritual experience indeed!
That’s beautiful!!!
Hi. I found interesting face appearance on photo I took this year on morning of 5th March, in Tower of London, I can very very clearly see smiling woman’s face in one of the windows of Waterloo barracks (but higher than standing ground in room is), but maybe it’s just kind of reflection that appears on all photos (I took 2, and it’s on both of them, but on first it’s bit distorted). Anyway, I would love to see your opinion on that, or see if it’s just random window glass surface anomaly. Where can I send you photo?
Hello Eva, feel free to email them to me at natalie @ Remember to remove spaces!
i can’t see it i’ve looked loads of times can someone help me find it please