I am delighted to share that Wendy J. Dunn, a dear friend and author of Dear Heart, How Like You This? has asked me to revive a very popular annual Tudor ghost story contest that was originally hosted via her website.
I am thrilled to accept Wendy’s invitation and invite readers to submit an unpublished Tudor ghost story of between 1,500-3,000 words. The story must of course be your own work and emailed to natalie@onthetudortrail.com by December 9, 2011.
The lucky winner will receive a copy of The Arrow Chest by Robert Parry, a spectacular tale that emerges from the pages through its complex and evolving characters, attention to detail and vivid storytelling (read my full review here) AND a copy of Anne Boleyn: The Young Queen To Be (also released as The Early Loves of Anne Boleyn) by Josephine Wilkinson.
One runner up will win an autographed copy of Where Spirits Dwell, fascinating true-life stories of haunted houses and paranormal experiences written by my sister, Karina Machado! This book has been described as ‘fascinating, thought provoking, addictive’ and I can guarantee, is very difficult to put down! (Read an extract from this book here.)
This is a little different to the competitions I usually host, as we are also trying to raise money for the Mary Rose Appeal and so are asking entrants to pay a US $5 entry fee, that will be donated in its entirety to the Mary Rose.
Read what Fiona Harvey, Appeals Fundraiser for the Mary Rose, had to say:
The Mary Rose Appeal
19th July 1545: when their world stopped our story began
As the flagship of Henry VIII, the Mary Rose holds a unique place in history.
On 19th July 1545 laden with sailors, fighting men, guns and longbows, the Mary Rose capsized and sank in the shallow waters of the Solent as she sailed to fight the French fleet. For the crew of the Mary Rose time stopped. As she sank so quickly with only a few survivors, a moment in time was frozen – preserved for almost 500 years underneath the silt of the Solent.
The sinking of the Mary Rose has never been fully explained and the tragedy has remained in the minds of generations well beyond Henry VIII, becoming one of the legendary events in Britain’s rich maritime history.
The speed of the sinking has meant that much more than the ship’s hull has survived. Over 19,000 Tudor artefacts have been recovered from the sea bed, with many in such a breathtakingly perfect state that it’s hard to believe they are hundreds of years old. Together they make up a vivid picture of life in Tudor times.
Although, the Mary Rose and her collection of artefacts clearly belong together, until now that hasn’t been possible. That’s why it is so important to build a museum that will bring them together – and display them in the best possible way. We’re aiming to build a museum that will be important not only now but also for future generations. With your help we can create a place of which we can all be proud.
It’s time for this historic ship and her treasures to be properly reunited – in a museum in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard that will inspire for generations to come. When the museum opens in Autumn 2012 our aim is to help people get closer than ever to our historic past.
By entering this competition you will be making your mark on Tudor history and helping to conserve the world’s only surviving Tudor warship.
Thank you for your support.
Fiona Harvey Appeals Fundraiser
The Mary Rose Trust is a Registered Charity No 277503
What do you need to do to enter?
Firstly – Click on the ‘Donate’ button below to pay your US$5 entry fee via Paypal that will be donated in its entirety to the Mary Rose Appeal. You are more than welcome to donate a larger amount to this wonderful cause!
Secondly – Write a Tudor ghost story or poem of between 1,500-3,000 words and email to natalie@onthetudortrail.com by December 9, 2011. Please use the subject heading, ‘Tudor ghost story’.
It’s as simple as that!
I have invited Wendy J. Dunn to judge this year’s entries and select a winner and runner up.
I am really looking forward to reading your stories and to helping raise much needed funds for the Mary Rose Appeal. So get creative and please share news of the competition with friends and family, as all are welcome to enter!
Please note that all decisions are final and the entry fee is not refundable. By submitting your story, you are agreeing to these conditions and give permission for On the Tudor Trail to publish your entry at www.onthetudortrail.com.
Great idea! I’m in! Now, to think of something really scary!
Yippee! I look forward to reading your entry Anne
Me too
I’m looking forward to this. I entered the last contest and had an enormous amount of fun writing my story. Just a suggestion though — the next time, start the contest earlier in the year and announce the winner on Halloween!
Count me in Natalie! This should be fun, donation made and I know exactly what Tudor ghost story to write
Great Kimberly! I am delighted that you go the payment issues sorted. Really looking forward to your story!
Spooky storytelling? I like the sound of that! Can’t wait to read the winning entries.
When will you be doing this contest again?! It looks very fun, and I’d like to try the next one.
Hi Bridgett, the Tudor Ghost Story Contest will be an annual event. The only change will be that next year I will open the competition towards the end of July and close it on Halloween – feels more appropriate that way!
Halloween sounds fitting
I will see what kind of ideas I can come up with for next years contest.