Fallen in Love: The Secret Heart of Anne Boleyn at the Tower of London

Fallen in Love: The Secret Heart of Anne Boleyn

FALLEN IN LOVE is an extraordinary play about the rise and fall of Anne Boleyn, written and directed by Joanna Carrick and produced by Red Rose Chain theatre company.

This unique theatrical event is being staged at the Tower of London, the site of Anne’s trial, execution and final resting place, from May 7 to June 16 and will be performed in the Banqueting Suite of the New Armouries.

This story of love, betrayal, jealousy and treason has been hailed by author and historian Alison Wier, as “Theatre at its best… History transformed into drama with the highest integrity. If you only go to see one play this year make it this one”.

Jim Malarkey, Head of Visitor and Commercial Services at the Tower of London says “Historic Royal Palaces are pleased to welcome Red Rose Chain Theatre Company to the Tower of London for their acclaimed production of ‘Fallen in Love’. The Tower is, of course, the place where Anne Boleyn spent her final days and her bones still rest at the Tower, buried in the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula. Her love life was in part her downfall, presenting Henry VIII with a convenient and almost certainly contrived reason to persecute his Queen. Could there be a more appropriate setting for this wonderful play”

Joanna Carrick has written and directed over 30 plays and films with the company. Jo’s work is often characterised by meticulous historical research and attention to detail alongside stories with a real human heart.

Suzannah Lipscomb says of the play “Accomplished writing, astute direction and exemplary history… A practically flawless piece of theatre.”

Book your ticket now at Fallen in Love: The Secret Heart of Anne Boleyn



  1. I do hope and wish they travel north with this play I would love to see it.
    I went down to Edinburgh to see the other Anne Boleyn play by Howard Brenton, a 3 hour journey from where I live it was so worth it, I would definately do the same to see this one too. Fingers crossed…