Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background.
My name is Adam Pennington. I am 33 and work in London for a major advertising festival called Cannes Lions. I primarily grew up in Surrey, just on the London borders. My mum is a born and bred Londoner and my dad is from Yorkshire, so I had a really interesting childhood with two parents from different ends of the country!

What ignited your passion for Tudor history?
My mum really. Growing up she would never allow us to waste a day off from school, we would always go up to London and go to the different museums, the Tower etc. She considers it absurd that any British person couldn’t name the six wives of Henry VIII, so I guess I got it from her! She would freely admit my passion has gone above and beyond hers now though. Anne Boleyn in particular has always fascinated me, and she is my biggest area of interest.
What’s something you love about where you live?
I live in an area steeped in history, particularly Tudor history. I grew up opposite Nonsuch Park, and Hampton Court Palace is just a ten-minute drive away. I live one minute away from Carshalton which until recently had a statue of Anne Boleyn and still has a memorial stone in her honour there.
What are your hobbies?
Researching the Tudors, reading, watching anything monarchy related, running and film.
What’s been one of your favourite episodes of ‘Talking Tudors’, and why?
The discussion with Suzannah Lipscomb, for a couple of reasons. Her voice is insanely calming, but mostly because I share a lot of her views, notably around the fall of Anne Boleyn.

Share a brief story. It can be inspiring, funny, spooky, heartwarming or historical. Anything you like!
I did my family tree a couple of years ago and was very excited to discover that I am a direct descendent (x16 Grandfather) of Sir William Pennington, who was murdered in a Church for speaking out against the Boleyns! His murder was even depicted in the Tudors
When do you listen to Talking Tudors?
Whilst I cook in the evening.
Finish this sentence: I’d like to learn more about…
Queen Mary I. I know the basics, but I don’t feel we hear enough about her because she is so often overshadowed (understandably) by Elizabeth I. I’d also be really interested to understand more about how the Tudors would have actually sounded.
Tell us about someone you admire.
Over the past few months my admiration for Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie of York has gone up enormously. They’ve been through hell with all the drama surrounding their father, but through it all they’ve remained dignified, conducted their charitable work and generally just tried to get on with everything. I really think they should get more appreciation.
What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next twelve months?
Hopefully getting back to normal!! My sister is having her second child towards the end of the year so that’s going to be really exciting!
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