Episode 236 – Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley: An Enduring Love with Corina Apostu

Guest Bio

Corina Apostu is a history blogger and independent researcher of Elizabethan history with a focus on Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley. She graduated with an MA in Medieval and Early Modern Studies from the University of Kent in 2021. She currently runs the blog Exploring Elizabethan History on WordPress.


Corina’s Tudor Takeaways

The Virgin Queen series 

Elizabeth I (HBO miniseries) 

Natalie Grueninger speaks with Corina Apostu about Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley.

Tune in to hear Natalie and Corina discuss: 

–  Elizabeth and Dudley’s relationship before she became queen

– Their time spent imprisoned in the Tower of London

– Dudley’s appointment as Master of the Horse

– The ways in which he served Elizabeth I

– The death of Amy Robsart & the effect this had on their relationship

– The relationships many ups and downs!

– Whether or not marriage was ever on the cards

– Dudley’s death

Listen Now! 
