Episode 243 – Heroines of the Tudor World with Sharon Bennett Connolly

Guest Bio

Sharon Bennett Connolly is the best-selling author of several non-fiction history books. A Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, Sharon has studied history academically and just for fun – and has even worked as a tour guide at a castle. She also writes the popular history blog, www.historytheinterestingbits.com and co-hosts the podcast A Slice of Medieval, alongside historical novelist Derek Birks. Sharon regularly gives talks on women’s history, for historical groups, festivals and in schools; her book Silk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest is a recommended text for teaching the Norman Conquest in the National Curriculum. She is a feature writer for All About History and Living Medieval magazines and her TV work includes Australian Television’s ‘Who Do You Think You Are?

Her previous books include:

Heroines of the Medieval World

Silk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest

Ladies of Magna Carta: Women of Influence in Thirteenth Century England

Defenders of the Norman Crown: Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey

King John’s Right-Hand Lady: The Story of Nicholaa de la Haye

Women of the Anarchy

Heroines of the Tudor World

Sharon’s Tudor Takeaway

A visit to Gainsborough Old Hall


Natalie Grueninger speaks with Sharon about her book, ‘Heroines of the Tudor World’.

Tune in to hear Natalie and Sharon discuss:

–  The women featured

–  The research process

–  Tudor ideas of what made an ideal woman

–  The lesser-known women featured

–  Scandalous heroines!

–  The remarkable things women achieved in the 16th century

Listen Now!
