Episode 250 – A Gentleman from Japan at the Court of Elizabeth I with Thomas Lockley

Guest Bio

Thomas Lockley is Associate Professor at Nihon University College of Law, where he researches and teaches themes related to the international history of Japan. He has published numerous papers and several books, the best known of which is African Samurai (2019), concerning the life of Yasuke, the African man who served and fought beside Oda Nobunaga. His latest book is A Gentleman from Japan: The Untold Story of an Incredible Journey from Asia to Queen Elizabeth’s Court (Hanover Square, 2024).

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ThomasLockleyAuthor?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=43c16653-709a-4adb-becd-dc1a5664fc90

Natalie Grueninger speaks with Thomas Lockley about his latest book, ‘A Gentleman from Japan”.

Tune in to hear Natalie and Thomas discuss:

–  What is happening in England and around the world in 1588

–  His protagonist, a young man from Japan named Christopher

– Relations between Japan and the major European powers in the sixteenth century

–  Christopher’s enslavement and time aboard the Santa Ana

–  Christopher’s life after meeting Thomas Cavendish

–  Their reception at the court of Elizabeth I

–  The important contributions Christopher made to the scientific and seafaring communities in England

–  The role Christopher played in Cavendish’s subsequent attempt to reach the Far East

–  The enduring impact Christopher’s visit had on England

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