Episode 251 – James II & the Tudors with Justine Brown

Guest Bio

Justine Brown was born in Vancouver, Canada. She grew up travelling widely. She holds an MA from the University of Toronto, where she studied 17th century culture. She is the author of three books on a Utopian theme. In recent years she became fascinated by the Jacobites. Her new book, published by Pen & Sword, is The Private Life of James II. She runs a YouTube vlog, Justine Brown’s Bookshelf. Justine lives in London with her husband. 

Justine’s Tudor Takeaways!

The Dove in Hammersmith

The George, London

Natalie Grueninger speaks with Justine about James II and the Tudors.

Tune in to hear Natalie and Justine discuss:

–  James II’s family and background

–  How the Tudors were regarded by the succeeding dynasty, the Stuarts

– How princes Charles and James were educated about Elizabeth I

–  James II’s views on Henry VIII

–  James II”s wives and mistresses

–  James the husband and father

–  How learning of Henry VIII’s example triggered James’s conversion to Catholicism

–  How James viewed the previous English Catholic monarch, Mary I

–  James II’s great-grandmother was Mary Queen of Scots.

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