Anne Boleyn- an immortal Queen
It is my opinion that hidden in the fabric of ancient walls and floors remains an imprint of its previous inhabitants and events that echoed in that space. The more emotionally charged the event, the clearer an imprint that resonates and a greater likelihood of the event being ‘played back’ for some among us to sense or see.
It is for this reason that I think the ghost of Anne Boleyn has been seen and sensed in several locations around the UK. She had an enormous impact in life and instigated great change. The palaces, homes, chapels and parks where she once walked and talked at times reveal their secrets to those sensitive enough to receive them. When standing in a space once shared by Anne Boleyn, it is only time that separates us. This is a thought that fascinates me. If only we could peel back the layers of time we would be there- side by side with a great Queen- a great woman.
I think that at times buildings and spaces, for reasons not yet understood, reveal the imprint of an event recorded long ago. And those who hear the whispers and see the recording have essentially looked into the past.
I believe that Anne’s soul is at peace and not wandering the grounds where she once lived. But I do think that her life was emotionally charged, her convictions unwavering, her impact on England unsurpassed by any other of Henry’s wives and her death traumatic. For these reasons, her ‘ghost’ or, in my opinion, her imprint has been seen and heard. Anne Boleyn- an indelible Queen.
The Stories
Tower of London
Anne Boleyn’s ghost has been seen on numerous occasions at the Tower of London. It is said her ghost haunts the place of her death, beheaded within the Tower of London on the 19th May 1536.
Perhaps the most spectacular ghost story relating to Anne is that of a Captain of the guard who saw a light flickering in the locked Chapel Royal late one night. He tried to uncover the source of the light by climbing up a ladder and was met with an unbelievable scene unfolding inside – a procession of knights and ladies dressed in ancient costumes pacing the chapel. Their leader, an elegant female whose face he could not see but whose figure resembled that of Anne Boleyn’s in portraits he had seen. The procession later disappears.
In 1864, a soldier, on duty near the Lieutenant’s lodgings, made another sighting of Anne’s ghost. He claimed to have confronted and challenged a white figure and when his challenge met no response he plunged his bayonet into the figure. To his complete shock, the weapon did not meet flesh instead went straight through the woman. According to the traditional story, an officer lodged in the Bloody Tower saw the whole event take place from his window.
Hever Castle
Anne’s ghost is said to appear each Christmas at Hever Castle, her childhood home. She is said to manifest beneath a great oak tree where Anne and Henry courted. Her ghost also walks across the bridge, which crosses over the River Eden on the castle grounds.
Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle is the largest and oldest occupied castle in the world.
Anne Boleyn has been seen standing at the window in the Dean’s Cloister at Windsor Castle.
Another Windsor ghost story claims that Anne Boleyn has been seen running down a corridor screaming (sometimes clutching her head).
Hampton Court
Anne’s ghost has been seen at Hampton Court wearing a blue or black dress. Some accounts claim she is headless during these manifestations.
Rochford Hall
Rochford Hall in Essex is a manor house said to be where King Henry VIII first cast his eyes on a young Anne Boleyn. The Boleyns owned the home from 1515, a home claimed to be the setting of secret meetings between King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. There are even rumours of a secret tunnel system beneath the home that King Henry VIII used as his discreet escape route from the house.
According to a previous owner, there are stories of sightings of a headless lady and feelings of extreme cold in one of the rooms. Is this the ghost of Anne Boleyn?
Blickling Hall
Perhaps the story that I find most difficult to believe, is that of Anne Boleyn’s headless spectre arriving at Blickling Hall in Norfolk, clutching her severed head, in a phantom carriage, drawn by a headless coachman and four headless horses. On arrival the carriage and horses disappear leaving Anne to roam the corridors and grounds until sunrise. This manifestation is said to occur each year on the anniversary of her execution- May 19th.
I have not included these stories because I believe them all to be true instead because most have been circulating for a long time and tell us something about how Anne is perceived in popular culture. I leave it up to you to form your own opinion about their validity.
I personally think that such a dignified woman in life would not then in death roam the grounds of these ancient structures as a headless spectre. Also, as I mentioned in my introduction, I believe that Anne is at peace and that any sighting of her is of an imprint left in the environment long ago rather than of her restless ghost.
If you would like to share any other stories please contact us.
I have to admit that reading this sent a shiver down my spine. After going to the Tower of London I have my own Anne Boleyn story so I can believe that people may have seen her imprint – I know I have.
Sarah, please tell! I have a section of the site where you can submit your own stories. Please share it with us.
Went to the Tower of London a few years ago (@ 2007) and all the while we were in the Chapel, I felt a sadness and a guilty feeling.. I couldn’t stop thinking of Anne Boleyn and hoped that I would meet her…
Atleast if its true Henry is stuck with her .. This gave me chills I love history it is my dream to go but since I cannot walk it probably wouldn’t work out for me
We are all spirits inside a human frame. As a child of 12 I was ill on my bed in my fathers house. Suddenly I was looking down at myself from the ceiling. For some moments I witnessed my lifeless body without care . I felt myself happy but then I felt unsure and then was back as me on the bed. I have spoken to some about this and found myself not alone in discovery. In 2014 I saw a ghost that stood next to me in broad daylight. It was my fathers spirit. I tell you this as God made us all I know that for sure now. He made us in his own image we are told. Yes and we are immoral. That means to me life is but a trail. Not just to be good but also to find the way back to God. My be I was show all this to help others but in truth I know not how. All have their own cast iron views and for some, will never change. Others may relate. I make nothing be telling this but in the hope it does some good I freely give it.
Just really curious did your father say anything to you?
I had a similar experience as an 11 year old. I was in hospital for a minor ENT op, and on recovering from the general anaesthetic, I found myself on the other side of the ward, looking at the bed I was actually in. The vicar (those were the good old days!) was doing his routine visits, and stopped at my bed. Then I awoke to find myself in my original bed, and the vicar at my bedside. I hadn’t been terribly ill or anything, but I do reckon that such was the relaxed state of my physical body, my “other” self was alowed to roam a bit! The story of Anne Boleyn is so tragic, I ccan never get it out of my mind. I even wrote some poetry about her, which can be read on Facebook – I publish it there every year as a mark of respect, on the 19th May. (Sonja CollaVoce)
Please tell your story!:D
I wonder if you have seen this footage. Security camera, and no forgery involved. It relates to a series of unexplainable sounds over a couple of nights, I think, experienced by the security staff at Hampton Court Palace. On one of the evenings, this was captured on CCTV.
Yes, I remember watching the footage when it first happened. It really fascinates me! I think had it just been the footage on its own then perhaps it wouldn’t have been so interesting but the fact that the footage was captured after days of hearing unexplainable sounds and the door apparently opening of its own accord on several occasions is what makes this truly amazing!
Yes, please do share your story. It is one of my greatest wishes to visit the Tower and have an experience of my own so I would love to hear about yours.
Becky Bunsic
Natalie, why do you feel she is at peace ?
Kate 🙂
Hmm, this is a tricky question Kate. I guess part of it is my intuition and part is that, although she was murdered in a very violent way, she was prepared for her death and even welcomed it. Naturally, she was frightened as any human would be but at the same time she was composed and so dignified. I just feel that the manner in which she approached her unjust death, with such calm and always radiating regality, tells me that she knew something better awaited her and found comfort in that.
Hi Natalie,
I also think Anne is at peace. I certainly hope so, anyway. There is a man called Eddie Burk who is a sort of medium. He says that he sees “dead” people as clearly and solidly as when they were living. He isn’t particularly into or knowledgeable about history so isn’t familiar with people and their histories. He was called to Coutts Bank to assist with an apparition that had been frightening staff (unintentionally, I am sure!) This turned out to be Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk, executed in 1572 for his part in the “Ridolfi Plot”. Eddie also “met” the spirit of Catherine Howard, and according to him she made a lot of excuses for her behaviour (i.e. her adultery) but he didn’t believe her account. He says he has communicated with the spirit of Anne Boleyn and stated that she seemed to have no resentment or anger over what happened to her. I found him quite convincing.
Thank you for sharing Liz! Really fascinating 🙂
Oh my heart. The Howard’s are my ancestors and this is just so interesting to me. I adore history and to learn about those I’m related too is amazing. Thank you! I would love to visit this place ??
I believe if someone has suffered a violent trauma then they aren’t going to be at peace or rest !
Thanks a lot Natalie.I hope she is too.
I too think Anne is at peace with her lot. In a sad way her death released her from the stressful life she was living. The twists and turns of court policies, the unpredictable behaviour of Henry, and the pressure to give birth to a son. But I like to think she gets most of her peacefulness from the knowledge that her daughter Elizabeth became a greater monarch than Henry ever did or aspired to be. You could forgive Anne if she even felt a ‘little’ smug…. 🙂
Brilliant. I find it quite ironic that the family who always strived to be the best banished the daughter that was the ancestress of princess Diana.
I visited The Tower on 2 occasions, both in May over 20 years ago while I was living in London. On the first occasion we strolled in & I was suddenly overwhelmed by the energy of the spot I was in & almost passed out, luckily a friend was with me who could look after my little daughter while I sat & recovered. I had no idea what the unassuming little lawn next to me was, until my friend found the little plaque they had there back then; it was Tower Green. I wish I knew what date I was there. I could not bring myself to go into the Chapel, though I must say I regret that now. There were lots of places closed off to the public that felt very “interesting” I did wonder if they are closed off not because they are offices & residences, but because they are psychically “active”. We managed to have a chat to one of the guards on his own & he told us some interesting little ghost stories, sadly as it was so long ago I don’t remember any details 🙂
I have been fascinated by all these stories; despite being slightly sceptical towards the idea of ghosts and the paranormal, I love ghost stories and thing that there are many incidents which we cannot fully explain yet, for whatever reason.
I am beginning to wonder if I had my own Anne Boleyn ghost experience last night – I will send it to you and you can judge for yourselves!
Has anybody ever been successful enough to capture a picture of any Anne Boleyn apparitions? and on her anniversary of her execution, does her chariot appear consistently?
Many years ago, on a trip to London, I was at the Tower and, like you said, there was just a little plague marking the spot hat is, supposedly, the spot where Anne Boleyn was beheaded. For some odd reason, I felt the need to hover my foot over the plaque, more like the edge of it, to feel the actual spot, and when I did I felt a slight chill. I definitely felt an energy. It was like I was compelled to do it, but not in an evil.way. I think Anne is at peace. Perhaps, she is curious about today or wants to tell her story to those are interesed, perhaps, she has emotional ties to some events, but mostly I think she is at peace. I am mot a medium, though I have been asked by some if I am mentalist. I do hear and feel things so there is some possibility im a bit sensitive. That being said The Tower of London creeps me out. You can definitely feel energy there. So thick you can cut it with a knife. The French Quarter in New Orleans is like that. As far as active places being closed off, …maybe,.,one time we went to Hampton Court and they had this one wing ” closed for tepairs” but there was a chain blocking the entrance, There seemed to be stuff.piled in the hall near that entrance, and there was an overall creepy feel. When we left, my brother was reading a ghost book and they had a section saying some of Hampton Court was closed off because of violent activity like chairs being thrown around. As far as Anne, there are only a couple of photos, if that even, that are supposed to be of her ghost. Typically when a place is reportedly haunted their are many photos of that ghost. I find it odd that their are so few if she so actively haunts, not saying she doesnt, maybe pictures arent her style but….maybe sometimes she appears without her head to make a point…but I bet you could see her beautiful face someday.
I loved reading this article and all your comments.I have dreams that tell me when someone will die,my mother and sister have warned me not to dream about them ever.I am not a medium,well,I do not think I am . I have been to the tower of London more than once but never felt any energies except for when we went through the chapel,I felt like I was being watched.My sister was lagging behind me and I had walked away from her.That’s it really.Oh and the queen’s bed chambers,that was uneasy .
I visited Hampton Court last week. I was wearing a necklace that had a picture of Anne Boleyn. As soon as we pulled up to the stop on the train, I went to fix my necklace and it broke. It was a bit spooky.
I visited the Tower of London last year, due to my fascination with all things related with the Tudors, and it’s so amazing. I went to the spot where Anne Boleyn was beheaded, on Tower Green, and it felt somehow terrifying to know that 579 years ago, a woman was actually killed here. It went a bit chilly as well, which was a bit odd because even though it was October in the perpetually cold England, it was actually quite warm. I also had a scary moment when I lost my friend in the White Tower, but I doubt that had anything to do with Anne Boleyn.
hi after all u read about queen ann Boleyn I doubt very much she cheated on henry I hope she can rest in peace x
She never did cheat on Henry. He just said those things because he had no real reason to divorce her so the easiest way was to say she committed adultery and if course that punishment was death. He wanted her out of the way because she could not produce any more children and he wanted another women that could produce children. I believe that she is there but I also believe that she is at peace because as she said before being executed that God can justify her actions. Henry paid a very expensive executioner to kill the queen that would only take one swing of a sword to kill her instead of using a axe that would take a few wackes to take her head off so she wouldn’t suffer.
I visited Hampton Court Palace last month, and other than experiencing a LOT of cold spots and odd feelings (especially Wolsey’s closet – I had to get out of there), I didn’t have any “experiences” with sightings or the like. Until I came home and looked at my photos. There are numerous photos all over the Tudor section of the palace, where a green orb appears in the photo, giving off its own light. I would ordinarily think dust, but many of my photos were taken in shutter mode – four or five taken in rapid succession. This orb, originates, travels and disappears in the frame. This happened in various parts of the palace – the “haunted gallery”, the corridor leading to the chapel, the halls near the entrance, the base court and the wine cellar.
Hello Jen, how fascinating! I would love to see some of your photos, could you email some to me at natalie @ (remove spacings) or alternatively, post some on my Facebook page, as I’m sure others would love to see them too. Here is the link:
I’ve dropped you an email with a link to the online album where you can view the photos, if interested! 🙂
Thanks Jenn! I will take a look. 🙂
Hi Jenn
Where can I view your photos … could you please email me the link to the album? Thanks. My email is
I went to Hampton Court and the Tower of London and felt no vibes at all. HOWEVER, when I visited Scotland and went to Edinburough Castle. I definately felt something in there. THE BIGGEST VIBES were inside GLASGOW cathederal. The vibes there were extremely powerful. I went down to the crypt there and the atmosphere was as if the ones buried in there was calling out to me.
Yes, would love to see pics!
amm.. is it really true? i mean these stories about anne .. amm i stay in india, n have no knowledge about anne ,about her ghost bt i read above about her n its something very sad n attractive about the stories.. but she loved king henry then why did he killed her? dint he loved her? n y did anne accepted his this kind of unjustice? m very eager to know plz sumone do tell me
That’s so cool! I LOVE Anne, and am working on a Tudor dress with and with a necklace like hers but with a T. I hope she’s at peace! She never deserved execution, and hopefully one day I can visit England and maybe see her ghost! Sadly, it’d be a long trip because I’m in the US.
Yes i believe in the stories of Anne haunting the tower of london as i have been there and felt a wired feeling that someone was watching me and then i herd a scream so yes i believe the stories
It’s curious how Anne story interest me… I am Brazilian and as far I know no English ancestor (what a pitty) You may not believe in me but this story is true… I read about Anne when I was 15 years old (I am 23 now) and I became a great admirer of Tudor times and since that I read a lot about… Since that time ever May 19, I dream with Anne execution…. the curious is that I am always her… always the same dream… lucid almost like a memory…. the dream never changes….. and when I wake up I feel terrible sad…. last two nights I dreamt with her…. In my dream I was at Saint Peter as vinculae and her spirit came to me… she simply said I’m not here…. next night I dreamed that I was searching for a coffin…. and she was again close behind me…. of course that this seems to be fantasious but I swear that isn’t…. I don’t know why but I feel a intense connection with England and specially Anne….. although I am Catholic I do believe in reincarnation…. if other lives exist I probably was a Tudor courtier….
I’m working on a blog piece for my history degree and I’d really love to know if you have a source for the story from the capifain of the guard? Ideally a primary one if you can! Thank you!
I am doing my dissertation on the perception of Anne Boleyn in the 19th century and I was wondering if we knew when the ghosts were first seen or when the ghost stories were first told? Thank you!
Not off the top of my head, Chloe, but if I come across any dates I’ll let you know. Thank you and good luck!
Very nice article. I enjoyed it.According to Hindu if a ghost is roaming around it means it is not at peace. The person lived stressful life & was not ready to die but unfortunately died. Their all wishes in life are not fulfilled so they remain here & don’t go to heaven.
I don’t live too far from Blickling Hall and one of the ghost stories about Anne that was reported in the local press a few years back is that when a portrait of Elizabeth I was delivered, the courier met with a lady who signed for it. He was later berated by his boss for leaving the portrait without getting a signature for it – but he argued the point with his boss and the Hall staff who disputed anyone signing for it. He described the lady who signed as being dressed in period costume and figured that it was a historical day. Staff apparently confirmed that the description he’d matched was that of Anne. Always struck me as the sort of thing that she would have done esp for her daughter’s portrait!
I haven’t heard this one before, Clara! Thanks so much for sharing.
Oh my goodness.. I visited Blickling Hall yesterday and came here because I felt unwell overnight and wonder if I picked up some odd energy in the house. I was the last one walking through before closing time. In one room the volunteer there was a young woman dressed in black period costume… now I’m wondering!!
Does anyone remember the story in the papers about the young guy who took a photo at hever castle and captured a hand pointing at the fire place. Well, the photo I have got I have had for quite some time, well since my visit on 18th February 2017. I’ve not gone and reported it to any papers, I’ve just kept it and as a sceptic I’ve looked at it and pondered over it a few times but it keeps leaving me puzzled considering I was totally alone when I took that picture, I simply have no explanation what so ever!
I had dropped my daughter off in the village to meet a friend and thought I would pop in to see my sister who works in the castle and as it was not worth travelling back home to then drive back and pick my daughter up in a couple of hours I thought I would take a leisurely stroll around the castle and gardens. I took some photos as I walked around the castle and remember actually giggling to myself about what I would do if I actually caught something. Here’s the deal, I did catch something! The hand in my photo is almost identical to the picture the guy gave to the papers AND it is pointing to the fireplace, the advantage I have with mine is that I have more of a wide angle picture of the room and the arm is just there, reaching in to shot from nowhere. I’ve not done anything with it as I don’t want to be accused of jumping on the band wagon or setting the shot up as I know, fact, I was on my own and besides, i like the thought that just for a split second something or someone was trying to share something with just me. Whether they are pointing to something hidden I don’t know and guess we will never find out.
Dear Zoe, I would love to see your photo! Please email me at I look forward to hearing from you!
It is time to clear Ann Boleyn name, she has been accused without proof. Innocent Queen beheaded. It needs to be done publicly and record it. Put her soul to rest.
Matters not what humans say we are all spirits and judged by a higher court than ever man could set in place.Human life is but a test for us all. Death is bu ta door beyond a room. We are guided through so worry not. By accident I have seen. By faith shown.
Been to the tower of London today. Always felt close to Anne’s character but I did feel on edge in the white tower and actually began to cry
Tower green was NOT the place of execution contrary to poular belief. Also the queens lodgings were not built until about 300 years after Annes death.
However, I fully share in the account made by the author. Since my young childhood I have loved the story of Anne’s life and hope that Henry VIII realized how wrong he had been when, after his death, he saw the truth.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Martin. I wrote this article so long ago and have learnt so much since then. Anne was most certainly not executed on Tower Green and as for her imprisonment, she was housed in the queen’s lodgings, part of the royal apartments, which were situated in the south-east corner of the Tower. This article may be of interest to you:
I live in the United States. My parents lived in Essex England. I never felt any strange vibes while visiting Hampton Court. I do remember having very strong and strange feelings at a visit to Warwick Castle. I won’t ever go back.
I visited the Tower of London in 2005. I remember standing on a walkway overlooking the central courtyard and I saw a woman in a large, black, lacy dress with her head held down walking solemnly across the path. I don’t know if it was Anne Boleyn, but the ghost felt very sad and resigned to her fate. She had two others following further behind her on either side as she walked.
I visited the tower in 2012. Standing in front of the site of Anne’s execution she said clearly to me ” I did not do these things, I am innocent “.
I visited Hampton Court in 2017. My immense interest to visit this iconic establishment had me spend hours inside each and every room in the palace. However, one incident does not escape me till this day…while touring the great hall, there was a re-enactment by the local team of actors depicting a feast. whilst the actors portrayed their part, visitors either watched or were casually walking around the hall admiring the architecture or the huge tapestry on the walls. there were two private booths on either side of the hall below the stained glass window that was in the middle of the court close to the ceiling. I happen to peak inside the window of the booth located on the left, which was covered with some kind of black mesh material. Because it was dark inside i had to cover the sides of my face with both hands to get a better vision of what would be inside…dont know what made me do this but as i looked inside, i saw a lady sitting inside the booth. She turned to me and put her finger over her mouth as if to tell me to “shoosh”, be quiet. From what i remember, she was wearing a black dress and a head covering, similar to the Tudor clothing. I immediately stopped gazing inside the booth, thinking it may be one of the actors sitting inside watching the ongoing re-enactment. Not sure if it was that or a ghost…but what i saw gave me the chills..
I just wanted to mention my experience..
That would have been unnerving! I wonder if it was one of the re-enactors. Thank you for sharing your experience!
I in researching my mothers family have found I am related distantly to the tudors Henry VIII is my 2 cousin q5 times removed. I am just an ordinary girl from this link came as a shock to me. My parents died young there parents I ever new so knew nothing of ancestors. HENRY VIII is 2nd cousin 15 times removed a distant relative but related none the less. Not sure how I feel about him.
I’m in a Anne Boleyn Facebook group and 1 lady said she’s Anne reincarnated I normally would never believe that because I think it’s a stretch but for some reason I do believe her and she said she’s at peace and holds no bad feelings about anyone from that time she says Henry VIII went to his death believing her (Anne) that she wasn’t guilty of her crimes and a tarot reader in the group back her up. Now I don’t know if it’s the same person telling tales but I do believe her she always says she didn’t feel a thing when getting beheaded it was done very fast and she felt nothing
This story about Anne Boleyn ghost, is actually very interesting and very nice to listen to. Thank for the facts
hey Natalie , i’m Sayana
dont you think henry’s first wife catherine and her daughter Mary Stuart faced injustice.Mary being the first heir of england should’ve got the throne . I’m not showing any hate towards Anne Boleyn or her daughter, but i just want to know your opinion on this .
Anne is certainly busy in death if these Ghost Stories are to be believed. I think a lot of these stories are just folklore if there is tales of ghosts and paranormal activity very often it is attributed to the most famous person who has frequented that location. The one that stands out for me is Oliver Cromwell who’s ghost has been reported in a dozen plus locations! Mind you, if you’re dug up two years after your death and then hanged and decapitated I guess you’ve a reason to haunt everywhere!
I had a similar experience when I first visited the Tower. I almost passed out going thru the inner wall tunnel, then was so dizzy I could barely walk. I spent alot of the visit laying on the grass while my friends toured the grounds. I thought I was coming down with a flu and going to head back to the hotel, but once we left the Tower and jumped on the bus, I felt fine. Ended up going to Madame Tussaud’s as planned and was completely normal the rest of the day. I have had a similar feeling, though not nearly as severe, when visiting other historic locations and conclude I must be a but psychic, though I don’t know what to do with it
i find all this so wonderfully fascinating!! My Grandmother on my mothers side is a Tutor by birth. In recently digging into my heritage I’ve discovered that The Great Queen Of England Ann Boleyn is my direct descendant
super cool.