The Historic Royal Palaces offers an excellent adult learning programme led by their team of … [Read more...]
What is it about Anne Boleyn?
March 7, 2011 by
I was recently interviewed and asked to answer this question, what is it about Anne Boleyn that has … [Read more...]
Win an autographed copy of ‘The Lady in the Tower’ by Alison Weir
March 6, 2011 by
To celebrate our 'Save Anne Boleyn's Portrait' Facebook page exceeding 1000 members, I am giving … [Read more...]
In what year was Anne Boleyn born? Part 2
March 4, 2011 by
A summary of the arguments for 1507 The date of Anne Boleyn’s birth and the relative ages of … [Read more...]
When did Anne Boleyn first appear in public with Henry VIII?
March 3, 2011 by
In early 1527, Anne Boleyn spent an extended period of time at Hever Castle. Her absence had caused … [Read more...]
Easter and May Bank Holiday Fun with Historic Royal Palaces
March 2, 2011 by
A quick update on the upcoming Tudor events at the Historic Royal Palaces. Tudor Events A son … [Read more...]
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