The Musical Lives of Henry’s Six Wives – Katherine of Aragon

I am absolutely thrilled to share with you the first of a seven part series of  guest posts about … [Read more...]

A Review of ‘Heroines of the Medieval World’ by Sharon Bennett Connolly

'These are the stories of women, famous, infamous and unknown, who shaped the course of medieval … [Read more...]

Lost to History: Anne Boleyn’s Life, 1521-1527

Lost to History: Anne Boleyn's Life, 1521-1527 By Conor Byrne Anne Boleyn is undoubtedly the most … [Read more...]

Winners of the 2018 Tudor planner!

I am delighted to announce the winners of our Tudor planner/diary giveaway! Thank you to Heather … [Read more...]

Mega Book Giveaway Winners!

I am delighted to announce the winners of our 12 Days of Christmas Mega Book Giveaway! I would like … [Read more...]

The Tudor Planner – Giveaway!

Happy New Year! I hope you're all having a wonderful start to 2018. I'm thrilled to share that … [Read more...]