La Reine Blanche: Mary Tudor, A Life in Letters

I'm delighted to be hosting Day 2 of Sarah Bryson's book tour for her new biography, 'La Reine … [Read more...]

Discovering Tudor York: A Journey into the Past

I am thrilled to share that I recently signed a publishing contract for a new Tudor book! … [Read more...]

Colouring History: Tudor Queens and Consorts – Proof Copy!

Hello all! I hope you're having a great start to the weekend. I wanted to share this wonderful photo … [Read more...]

Pustules, Pestilence and Pain by Seamus O’Caellaigh

I am delighted to be hosting the first stop on Seamus O'Caellaigh's book tour for his latest book, … [Read more...]

Anne Boleyn’s Portrait – A Behind the Scenes Look

Illustrator Kathryn Holeman shares a behind-the-scenes look at how she created Anne Boleyn's … [Read more...]

Pre-order Specials for Colouring History: Tudor Queens and Consorts

Thinking of pre-ordering our new Tudor colouring book? Well, we've added some super Tudor treats for … [Read more...]