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Lady Jane Grey

I have just published a wonderful guest article by author Ella March Chase. The article entitled 'I Look For Light After Darkness' is the story of Lady Jane Grey, England's nine days queen. Ella March's new book 'Three Maids for a Crown: A novel of the Grey sisters' will be available from August 2nd. Here is a short synopsis: 'In an age where begetting sons was all that mattered and queens rose and fell on the sex of their child, three girls with royal Tudor blood were born to the … [Read More...]

Thomas Cromwell’s plea for mercy from the Tower of London

On the 28th July 1540, Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII’s chief minister, was executed for treason and heresy on Tower Hill. I wanted to share part of a letter Cromwell wrote to Henry VIII on 30 June 1540 from his cell in the Tower of London, effectively begging for mercy. Most merciful King, and most gracious sovereign Lord, may it please the same to be advertised that the last time it pleased your benign goodness to send unto me the Right Honourable Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Duke … [Read More...]

Did Anne Boleyn spend time at Brie-sous-Forges?

So much about Anne Boleyn’s early years and time spent in France is unknown and open to speculation. Most historians though do agree that Anne Boleyn stayed in France, in the household of Queen Claude, for almost seven years, a period for which, according to Eric Ives, ‘we have no direct evidence’ (Pg. 29). What we do have is local French tradition linking Anne Boleyn with Brie-sous-Forges, a town located southwest of Paris. According to folklore Anne Boleyn lived at … [Read More...]

National Portrait Gallery London Talks & Events

On Thursday 11 August at 13:15, Dr Anna Beer will talk about 'The Life and Times of Sir Walter Raleigh' at the National Portrait Gallery in London. "Dr Anna Beer looks at explorer and poet Sir Walter Raleigh and his relationship to Queen Elizabeth I and her successor, James I. Beer will show the significance of portraiture to the worlds of both literature and politics at this point in history." Another event that sounds fascinating is Imagined Lives: Mystery Portraits from the National … [Read More...]

Supposed letter by Anne Boleyn

I have only recently come across this letter supposedly written by Anne Boleyn to an acquaintance sometime after 1524. First printed in 1769 as part of an article by an anonymous author comparing 18th century manners to those of previous centuries. Elizabeth Norton in ‘Anne Boleyn: In Her Own Words & the Words of Those Who Knew Her’ describes how the anonymous author claimed a friend had given him the letter along with the assurance that it was in fact written by Anne Boleyn before … [Read More...]

Interview with author and historian Josephine Wilkinson

I have just published my interview with author and historian Josephine Wilkinson. Josephine's books include The Early Loves of Anne Boleyn,  Mary Boleyn: Henry VIII's Favourite Mistress and a two-volume biography of Richard III. I am glad to hear that Josephine is currently writing a book about a person who lived in the Tudor period but who is not a member of the royal family. I wonder who it could be? Read our full interview here. … [Read More...]

The Other Boleyn Boy… Did a fourth Boleyn sibling survive to maturity?

I am currently reading Alison Weir’s new book on Mary Boleyn and was intrigued by some information concerning one of Mary, Anne and George’s male siblings. I had read on many occasions that only three of Elizabeth and Thomas’ children had survived to adulthood, the three that would make their mark on history – Mary Boleyn, Anne Boleyn and George Boleyn. By Thomas Boleyn’s own words, penned in a letter to Cromwell after the deaths of Anne and George, we know that his early years of marriage … [Read More...]

King Henry VIII & Historic Royal Palaces

Just a quick post to bring to your attention this page about Henry VIII on the Historic Royal Palaces Website. Henry VIII - Historic Royal Palaces It has links to some great articles related to young Henry VIII and Hampton Court Palace. I particularly love the Young Henry VIII Exhibition virtual tour. Enjoy! … [Read More...]

Tudor Hever: A Journey Back in Time to the Real Childhood Home of Anne Boleyn

Today's guest post is a wonderful and evocative account of what Anne Boleyn's Hever Castle would have been like in comparison to the modern version we see today. I am incredibly grateful to Sarah A. Morris author of the upcoming novel ‘Le Temps Viendra: a novel of Anne Boleyn' for writing this piece, as I have often wondered about what the home, that Anne beheld with her beautiful black eyes, was really like. Hever Castle has always drawn me in and fascinated me but now, after reading this … [Read More...]

Scandalous Women: The Lives and Loves of History’s Most Notorious Women

Scandalous Women: The Lives and Loves of History's Most Notorious Women by Elizabeth Kerri Mahon sounds really interesting. Product Description: Throughout history women have caused wars, defied the rules, and brought men to their knees. The famous and the infamous, queens, divorcées, actresses, and outlaws have created a ruckus during their lifetimes-turning heads while making waves. Scandalous Women tells the stories of the risk takers who have flouted convention, beaten the odds, and … [Read More...]

BBC History Magazine Tudor Special & First Audiobook

BBC History Magazine has just launched its very first audiobook, a guide to the Tudor kings and queens. The audiobook features interviews with five leading historians of the period, with each expert discussing the life and times of one of the Tudor monarchs. Dr Steven Gunn of Oxford University starts off with Henry VII. Professor George Bernard of Southampton University introduces us to Henry VIII. Reading University’s Professor Ralph Houlbrooke talks about Edward VI. Dr Anna … [Read More...]

An evening with Alison Weir at Hever Castle

On the 3rd November 2011, Alison Weir will be talking about her new book, 'The Great and Infamous Whore', at Hever Castle. The evening includes a private guided tour of the castle and dinner with wine for £40 per person. Overnight accommodation with full English Breakfast is also available at the following rates: £80 single £120 double. For bookings telephone: 01732 861800 (Limited numbers - Bookings to Annual Pass Holders only until 31 July.) How I would love to attend! … [Read More...]