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365 Days with Medieval & Renaissance Wonder Women

Jan-Dec 2025 A 12-month immersive journey of discovery, learning and connection. This immersive learning experience is much more than just an online course. Over 12 months, participants will come together and contribute to a supportive and inspiring online community of individuals who’ll share in a unique learning experience – one that will ultimately deepen their understanding of the lives and experiences of medieval and Renaissance women. Together, we’ll explore the contributions … [Read More...]

Episode 241 – 1000 Tudor People with Melita Thomas

Melita Thomas

Guest Bio Melita Thomas is the co-founder and editor of Tudor Times, a repository of information about Britain in the period 1485-1625. She’s the author of ‘The King’s Pearl’ and ‘The House of Grey’ and is a PhD candidate at UCL, researching Mary I’s networks. Her latest book, ‘1000 Tudor People’, will be released on 28 March 2024. Melita's Tudor Takeaway History of Parliament Online Natalie Grueninger speaks with Melita Thomas about her new book '1000 … [Read More...]

Episode 240 – Anne Boleyn’s Psalter with Sophie Bacchus-Waterman

Talking Tudors with Sophie Bacchus-Waterman

Guest Bio Sophie Bacchus-Waterman is a recent graduate of the School of Advanced Study, where she completed her dissertation on the Psalter of Anne Boleyn. She currently works as the Special Collections Photographer at St John's College Library in Oxford, digitizing many of the library's manuscripts and early printed books. She has written for the website The Anne Boleyn Files, and will be presenting her research findings on the Psalter of Anne Boleyn at the annual Kings and Queens conference … [Read More...]

Restoration of Anna of Cleves Holbein Portrait by Heather R. Darsie

By Heather R. Darsie, JD After decades of being on display at the renowned Louvre Museum in Paris, the dark, shadowy portrait of Anna of Cleves has been restored. © 2023 RMN-Grand Palais (Louvre museum) / Adrien Didierjean The portrait was executed by Hans Holbein the Younger in 1539. An eager Henry VIII of England sent the German master to the United Duchies of Jülich-Cleves-Berg to take an image of Anna von der Mark, second eldest daughter of the deceased Duke Johann III of Cleves. As … [Read More...]

Episode 239 – Four Women Who Wrote the Renaissance with Professor Ramie Targoff

Portrait of Ramie Targoff

Guest Bio Ramie Targoff is Professor of English, co-chair of Italian Studies, and the Jehuda Reinharz Director of the Mandel Centre for the Humanities at Brandeis University. She holds a BA from Yale University and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Ramie is the author of numerous books on Renaissance poetry and religion and is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship. Professor Targoff's Tudor Takeaways Wolf Hall BBC Two series Six the … [Read More...]

‘By her that is yours to serve and obey during her life’ – The Passion of Kateryn Parr by Laura Adkins

A guest post by Laura Adkins Kateryn Parr, the one who ‘survived’ Henry VIII was a survivor most of her life, she was not just a noblewoman whom the King married and outlived, but a member of a family who had close links with the Tudor family, a queen, a stepmother, an author in her own right and the first female in England to have a book printed using her own name. Like Henry VIII, Kateryn wanted to find love and to have a family of her own, and after Henry died she was finally free to do … [Read More...]

Episode 238 – The Life of Catherine Carey with Dr Wendy J. Dunn

Wendy J. Dunn

Guest Bio Wendy J. Dunn is an award-winning Australian writer fascinated by Tudor history – so much so she was not surprised to discover a family connection to the Tudors, not long after the publication of her first Anne Boleyn novel, which narrated the Anne Boleyn story through the eyes of Sir Thomas Wyatt, the elder. Her family tree reveals the intriguing fact that one of her ancestral families – possibly over three generations – had purchased land from both the Boleyn and Wyatt families to … [Read More...]

These Bloody Days: The Fall of Anne Boleyn

Announcement Time! Introducing ‘These Bloody Days: The Fall of Anne Boleyn’. I’m thrilled to share that the brilliant Dr Owen Emmerson and I have teamed up to bring you a week-long online event exploring Anne Boleyn’s downfall, beginning on Monday 13 May, 2024. Through a series of 6 pre-recorded lectures and one live Zoom discussion, we’ll delve deep into one of the most brutal and shocking events of Henry VIII’s reign. By sifting through the many myths and misconceptions still … [Read More...]

Episode 237 – Young Elizabeth with Dr Nicola Tallis

Guest Bio Dr Nicola Tallis is an independent author and historian, and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. She has worked as a curator, researcher, and lecturer, and specialises in the use of jewels in late medieval and Tudor England. Nicola has spoken at many prestigious events and venues including the Emirates Festival of Literature, the Tower of London, Hampton Court, and the National Archives. She has made numerous television and radio appearances, including on BBC’s Who Do You … [Read More...]

Episode 236 – Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley: An Enduring Love with Corina Apostu

Corina Apostu

Guest Bio Corina Apostu is a history blogger and independent researcher of Elizabethan history with a focus on Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley. She graduated with an MA in Medieval and Early Modern Studies from the University of Kent in 2021. She currently runs the blog Exploring Elizabethan History on Wordpress. Corina's Tudor Takeaways The Virgin Queen series  Elizabeth I (HBO miniseries)  Natalie Grueninger speaks … [Read More...]

Episode 235 – Henry VIII’s Lost Tapestry with Amina Wright and Sutherland Forsyth

Guest Bios Amina Wright is Senior Curator at the Faith Museum and Sutherland Forsyth is Associate Director of Heritage & Engagement at the Auckland Project. Learn more! Just Giving Page *Please note that since this episode was recorded, a wave of generosity has taken the campaign over its initial £1m target. However supporters are still encouraged to donate to support the tapestry's … [Read More...]

Episode 234 – The Conjuror’s Apprentice with G. J. Williams

Talking Tudors with G. J. Williams

Guest Bio G.J. Williams is Welsh but raised in England. She grew up in Somerset where history, story-telling and adventure were the stuff of life. She wrote as a child but then a career in academia followed by international consulting meant that it was some years before the love of crafting a tale came back to the forefront of life. G.J. Williams now lives between London and Somerset and is often found writing on the train journey next to a grumpy cat and a cup of tea. The tap of the … [Read More...]