
I will be adding lots of useful resources related to Anne Boleyn and other Tudor personalities so check back regularly!



  1. Linda Walsh says:

    I have been fascinated with Tudor history for many years. It has it all: intrigue, suspense , sex, courage, terror and courage under fire.

  2. Stacey Theresa Monahan says:

    love everything about this era and anne and henry

  3. Patricia Thompson says:

    I love everything about this era, it does have it all

  4. Teresa Marie Montano says:

    I am obsessed with this period in history. Love learning about the Tudors and the Stuarts as well. I know all about Henry VIII and his wives. This starts with Catherine of Aragon who was married to Henry’s older brother for a short period of time first.

  5. Emma Doran says:

    Since watching Anne of a thousand days and reading Jean Plaidy novels as a girl I’ve been fascinated with the Tudor era. I can’t get enough. I love your podcast and listening to the historians. I really enjoy finding out the different and fresh perspectives of the historians based on evidence that turns a myth on its head.

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