In this section I hope to answer many frequently asked questions about Anne Boleyn, the Tudor Monarchs and Life in Tudor England and hopefully help clarify some common misconceptions about the time.


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  1. Violet Sinclair says:

    I read something about Anne being buried in an elm chest, but was hoping you had more information about her burial?.

  2. Why was Katherine Howard executed?

    Was it for adultery? Suzannah Lipscomb, in an interview about Anne Boleyn, said adultery wasn’t a capital crime (and Anne was executed for imagining Henry’s death); besides, both Katherine and Culpepper said they didn’t actually sleep together. Was it for speculating about the king’s death? That got Dereham, I think, but that didn’t apply to her. Was it for failing to disclose her history, as laid out in the Bill of Attainder of 1542? But then why was Culpepper executed?

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